
星期三, 7月 04, 2007


Welcome to Angel News

1.Angelic apparition - Bishop launches investigation.
2.Vision of deception - also under investigation.
3.Angels caught on cine film.
4.Angel saves an American woman's life.
5.Large red Angel appears over Priest at Eucharist convention.
6.Man watches as Angels surround his grand-daughter.
7."Gentle warning saved my baby".
8."Angels helped my patient walk".

Angelic Apparition - Bishop launches investigation.

Danielle is a typical teenager from Lincolnshire England. She loves pop music, parties, and shopping for the latest fashions. In the same year, she and her family experienced the reality of God’s existence twice. The first experience took place in February 1999. The second took place in July. Being the eldest child of the family I asked Danielle to write both experiences.

Danielle (15) and her family are Roman Catholics. They spend time in prayer and attend Church many times each week. Their home is filled with pictures and statues of Jesus and Mary. Following the first religious event, the family built a small prayer house on the spot where it happened.

Although I have spoken to all of the family, each one describing the same events, I chose Danielle’s account of what took place as it is more descriptive. However the pictures are drawn by other members of her family. This is what happened.

“It was February 19th, 1999. I had been grounded for two weeks because of the continuous mess of my bedroom. My best friend Vicky phoned me to ask if I wanted to go over to her house to watch some videos, the following evening. I explained to her that I had been grounded for two weeks but I would see if I could get a reprieve. I had no idea how I could achieve this as I had been told many times about my room and my mum can be pretty stubborn. I tried to wait for an opportunity to ask her but could not get up the courage, so I asked my dad to ask her for me. He said he would see what he could do. Like I intended, he waited for the right moment to persuade my mum to lift my punishment. Meanwhile I had to make sure my bedroom was spotless.

“The right moment came sometime in the afternoon. My mum was watching a video called Betania Land of Grace. She was taping an audio version of it from the video to give to the owner of a nursing home. As she watched it I saw tears falling from her face. She tried to hide them. My dad saw them too. He asked her what was wrong.

“ ‘It’s just watching all these people crying with joy, seeing Our Lady. I will never be able to go to such places or see and experience what they see’.

“My dad hugged my mum. My mum has a condition called agoraphobia. It came after she was attacked by an unknown man a few years earlier. She is afraid of outside places and especially people. She had only just began to attend Mass again regularly with the help of the Sisters of Providence.

“After my mum had finished watching the video, my dad told her that Vicky had invited me out. Straight away my mum said I could go as in reality I had not been out very much in the previous weeks. If I had not gone to Vicky’s house the following evening, then it is possible we may never have witnessed the great grace God poured upon Lincoln.

“The following evening my dad drove me to Vicky’s house. I am not allowed to walk on the street at night and I am never allowed out past 10 pm. unless I am at a party or disco. Vicky and I watched some videos and at 10 o’clock my dad came to drive me home. As he parked the car outside our house, I looked up at the sky. It was dark and filled with low clouds. No stars were visible.

“It was then that I first saw what seemed to be a large glowing blue mass of light, that lay below the clouds. I got out of the car, keeping my eyes fixed on the sky watching this massive mass of light, which although it was blue, it was a blue I had never seen before. On the pavement I stood still and said to my dad:

“ ‘Look up there’. “He looked up to the area I was pointing at.“ ‘What is it? I asked.“ ‘I don’t know’ he said shrugging his shoulders. He turned to go into the house.

“Just then I saw what looked like figures: people, coming out from this light; made of the same blue mass. Lots of them. They formed a circle and began to spin slowly, first clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise.‘Dad! Dad!’ I shouted hardly being able to believe what I was seeing. Angels’ I shouted. My dad turned around and came and stood by me again. We both watched as the figures separated and flowed in a line; each one disappearing and again building to become this mass of blue light. ‘Get your mother’ my dad shouted.

“I think I frightened my mum half to death. I burst through the front door ‘Mum! Mum! Quick’ I called out. I ran back outside again. ‘What is it? Where’s your dad?’ my mum asked. I think she thought that something had happened to my dad. She followed me out. ‘Angels mum. There are Angels in the sky’. I cried.

“I looked up at the sky with my mum and dad. But everything had gone. Even the mass of blue light had disappeared. My mum began to look around her, nervous at being outside on the street.

“Whether it was intuition or a grace given to my dad from God, I do not know, but after watching the sky for a few minutes he sternly said: ‘Come with me. I know where they are’. I did not understand this at all, but both my mum and me followed him through the house and into the back garden. ‘How do you know they are out here?’ my mum asked. ‘It is your agoraphobia. They will be where you feel safe’ he answered. My dad’s words warmed me. The thought of God being aware and caring about my mum’s condition.

“Our garden is quite small. Just outside the back door is a roof covering. Not a conservatory. There are two shed type buildings. One used to be an outside toilet. We followed my dad passed these, through some old kitchen units. (We had just had some better second hand ones fitted) and onto a thin concrete path that runs a third of the way up the garden. The rest is thinly grassed, balding in many places.

“The garden is not fenced with large wooden fencing, just short wire mesh fencing all the way round, except one side of it which was high fencing panels, but this is largely broken down where the children next door have damaged it by climbing on it to talk to us whenever we are outside playing. In short the garden is fairly open and we are visible to all of our neighbours; one family either side of us and “two families housed at the back of the garden, the opposite side of the wire fence, which separates our garden from theirs.

“We stood at the edge of the path near the back part of the bricked outbuildings. My younger brother had followed us out also. It was his night to stop up late. It was bitterly cold. As we all looked up at the sky I noticed my mum shivering. She had not put anything on her feet, nor did she have a coat on. For a long time we saw nothing but the clouds which seemed to be moving slowly behind us, and a few stars were becoming visible. My heart was dropping to the ground. I felt overwhelmed with disappointment. ‘Please God. Make them come back so my mum can see them.’ I whispered.

“Then out of nowhere there was a flash of light and the mass of blue light returned. ‘Just watch’, my dad said putting an arm around my mum. The figures came out again. Hundreds of them. They were lower and nearer so it was easier to make out their shape. Each one seemed to be made of this light, but they had a shape resembling people. I could see the shape of their wings which went to the bottom of what appeared to be robes. One by one they came out of the light and again formed a very large circle, making the shape in complete unity with their form. As they came out the mass of light lessoned until as the last Angel came out of it the mass of light was gone. They span clock-wise again, and then stopped still for a few minutes. Then, they span anti-clock-wise and separated as before and one by one lined individually along the sky disappearing and forming this mass of light, which was as large as a big cloud but was not a cloud. The light remained.

“Mum asked dad to get my brothers and sisters up. There are eight of us children in our family. All but my youngest brother Ethan (3), Nadia, Tanita and Chanel came downstairs. My dad dressed them warmly while my mum, Leon and I stayed outside.

“The Angels came outside again. But this time they formed with their bodies, three circles which tiered, the bottom circle the largest, the middle one smaller and the top one smaller still. Then some of the Angels came out from the top of it and the whole thing resembled a fountain and the Angels that came out from the top resembled water flowing out from the fountain. Again they separated neatly and orderly; one by one they went back and became this mass of light.

Picture of angels making heart shape: drawn by Jasmine (11)

“My dad brought my brother Aaron (14) and Jasmine outside and we all waited. My mum was shivering so much that my dad went inside the house to get her coat. But her feet were frozen. So I went inside to get her boots. As she tried to put them on she found she could not move her feet at all. My dad had to carry her inside, warm her and then she came outside properly dressed.

“The Angels came out from the light again. The sight of them was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Too beautiful to describe properly. This time their bodies formed a massive crown. It was a king’s crown as it had a cross on the top of it. As the Angels came out Jasmine, my sister became frightened and asked dad to take her in. My dad did. He took her in the living room and got my mum’s Bible out which has pictures of Angels in it. My dad stayed inside with Jasmine for a while.

“The Angels made many shapes with their bodies. We watched them for a total of three hours. The circles, the fountains, a large heart, an upright triangle. One time when the Angels formed a large crown, other Angels formed the shape of a large dove which hovered above it. Occasionally around them it was as if a hole had opened in the sky and something that resembled a dark blue jewelled stone appeared. It became occasionally visible and then not visible.

“For the first hour or so we were so struck by the beauty, all we could do was to each movement say: ‘OOhhhh’ or ‘Aahhh’ or ‘Wow’. We did not pray. But mum then said we should pray. I tried to pray the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer but as many times as I had prayed this prayer my brain was numb and the only words I could remember was: ‘Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death’. This seemed impossible as we pray the Rosary almost everyday. All of us had the same problem, that we could not remember all of the words just this last sentence of the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer.

“It was almost midnight. Jasmine by that time had come back out. My dad went inside a lot to listen out for the young ones still in bed. He brought us out some hot drinks and watched with us from time to time. We regained our repose and we were able to pray. We prayed the Apostle Creed many times as this prayer seemed to be appropriate: ‘I believe’. The Angels seemed to respond in that they came closer, the more that we prayed. Our neighbours came out of their houses. I do not know for sure whether the sight of us watching the sky and filling the air with prayers was the reason, or whether they saw the Angels too, as we did. I think they saw the Angels as later we learned that other people that night telephoned the Convent of The Sisters of Providence about them. Although the Sisters there said they themselves did not see them.

“The sky behind us had turned a strange coloured pink and was a mass of cloud the same colour. In front of us where the Angels were the sky had become cloudless. Occasionally a yellow light, shaped like a rainbow went across the sky under where the Angels were. The Angels moved quite a bit. Sometimes the mass of light disappeared completely, then reappeared in a different place in the sky. This was how they came nearer and lower until they were right above our heads.

“As we first noticed the sky change. The brightness of the pink clouds behind us, I turned back to focus on the Angels. As I did I saw this upright form on the ground, about average height in a human shape. It appeared to run straight past us as I was about to turn in front again where the Angels were. I did not say anything about this at first as I thought it may have been a shadow of something. But as we all watched the Angels go back into light again, I saw it again. It made me scream. In fact it made us all scream. We stopped praying.

“Whatever it was ran straight passed us, close enough for us to touch if we dared. The light of the Angels had disappeared and it was very dark. But whatever this human shaped thing was, was so black that it stood out in the darkness. It ran and disappeared into the bricked outbuilding going through the bricks like a ghost. It was definitely human shaped and like an all black runner in a race, this was how it moved.

“It happened a third time, exactly the same: shortly after the second time. We all ran in to get my dad. ‘I think someone is in the garden’ my mum said.She described what we saw. My dad was still reading the Bible, which was on the coffee table. He got up. ‘Where is your faith?’ he said looking at my mum. He went outside with us. The Angels light was there again and after a few minutes we watched the Angels come out of the light and form a large triangle with their bodies. My dad stayed out with us for about fifteen minutes and this black shadowed creature did not come out all of the time he was outside with us. He went back in with Jasmine who was crying because of her fear of this creature.

“No sooner had my dad gone back inside the house, when very quickly it came again. As before just running like a professional jogger, in front of us and disappearing through the brick wall of the outbuilding. This time my mum insisted we stood our ground. She told us to pray the Divine Mercy Novena, offering God the Passion of Jesus for forgiveness and mercy. We did and the creature never came back.

“At about one o’clock in the morning, my dad came and told my mum that he was worried about us being outside so long and it being so cold. So we had to come in and get ready for bed. Mum had planned to go back outside as soon as we were tucked up safe and warm. The Angels were still there. It is impossible to write down all they did. It felt wrong to leave them. Not to stay. But, dad insisted. Leon being only nine, did not want to go to bed. This black creature had frightened him as much as the Angels had excited him.

‘Can I sleep downstairs?’ He asked. ‘No’ my mum said. ‘I don’t like any of you sleeping downstairs in case we ever had a burglar’.My mum changed him into his night ware. All of us were very tired, especially coming in from the freezing cold into the warmness of the house. Mum took Leon and Aaron upstairs. Leon was crying saying he was afraid to go to bed. I followed behind them. As we walked into their bedroom we were overwhelmed by the strongest smell of roses. Mum tucked the boys blankets into the mattress. She seemed tearful but not sad. As she kissed Leon, he held out his arms and hugged her very tightly. ‘I am not afraid now mum. Our Lady is here in the smell of the roses’. he said.

“ The next day both Leon and Aaron told us that the smell of roses stayed in the room as they fell a sleep. I realised by this how very much aware God is of all our needs and how wonderful it is to have a Heavenly Mother love us so much as to send Her scent of roses, (associated with Mary as the New living Ark , of the new Covenant) to calm the fears of a little boy: my brother.

“At Mass the following Sunday, Father Lenon spoke about the Angels. He said that scientists would probably claim them to have been a comet. Father Lenon must have seen the Angels too. After Mass we helped Sister Mary Michael with a charity coffee morning in the Church Hall. One man there started laughing at what Father had said at Mass. ‘Angels’ he jibed. ‘He’ll be saying his seen U.F.O’s next’. Jasmine, being of a fiery nature ran straight up to the man shouting ‘There were Angels. We saw them. You should not laugh at Father nor at God’. Everyone heard her. The Hall went quiet. Everybody just looked at her. The man’s face went very red and he remained quiet.

“Now when I look up at the sky I do not just look at the beauty of the stars. In my mind’s eye I see the events of that night on February 20th 1999. My mum had cried before because she said she would never be able to go to places like Betania. The very next night she saw with us, an Angelic Apparition in her own back garden.

“ A little while later, my sister Jasmine wrote a letter to Pope John Paul II telling him about that night. She drew him lots of pictures and she told the Pope how very grateful she was that God had allowed us to see the beautiful Angels. How happy she was to be a Catholic. She received a very kind letter in return with a message from the Pope.

“My Dad who was not then baptised, was baptised the following year, along with my new baby brother. My Dad received the Sacrament of Confirmation the same year.”

Vision of deception - also under investigation.

The second experience did not involve any of the adults in Danielle’s family and was not a pleasant one. One of my first questions was how was it that God allowed the children to experience something that frightened them so much and still frightens them to the point that not one of them since will sleep either alone or with the lights out, despite the fact that the second event took place in day light. But then it occurred to me that in away what they saw allowed them to experience the one who steals souls. The very existence of evil. And even should they stray from God from time to time the memory of this second religious encounter if you can call it that, would bring them at some point back to God.

“It was Tuesday morning towards the end of July 1999. We had not long broken up for the school holidays. My mum, my brother Aaron and me were preparing to go to morning Mass amid the shouts and screams of my two other brothers and my four sisters. I had felt fine when I woke up, but five minutes before my dad was to take us to Church I felt ill. So ill that it was impossible for me to go.

“Because I am the oldest, my dad decided he did not need to take all of us children to run mum and Aaron to Church, whereas if I was going he would of. I was left to baby sit all of the children except Aaron and my youngest brother Ethan. Mum had planned to stay for exposition, so my dad was going to drive them to Church and come home.

“Eventually they left, but not before Aaron decided to shout at Tanita who is eight and easily tempered, causing her to run upstairs in a tantrum. I left her to it and began to watch television. “About five minutes had passed since my parents left. I saw Tanita fly down the bottom stairs, her long brown hair ruffled and out of place. She was breathless and her tiny body shook. Her eyes looked somewhat wild, her facial expression serious. ‘Danielle! Danielle. I saw an Angel. I saw an Angel.’ Tanita’s voice rang out. She almost jumped on me at the same time.

“The room went quiet and I felt my younger sister Jasmine’s eyes glare at me. I looked at her. The look of disbelief was clearly in her face. I then looked back at Tanita, her tiny brown eyes were filled with sincerity. ‘What did the Angel look like’ I asked her. She said: ‘It has golden curly hair long to the shoulder. It’s wings are big and very pretty and goes right to its ankles. It’s eyes are dark coloured.’

“It was impossible to dismiss what she had said. Tanita had been taught that Angels have blue eyes and I could not ignore the feeling that she had seen something. If she was making it up then she would have described the eyes as being blue as she had been taught. And hadn’t I myself seen Angels earlier that year!

“I decided to investigate. Tanita went up first. I followed behind. Jasmine was behind me. Nadia was behind Jasmine, she never reached the top of the stairs being nervous. My brother Leon stayed in the living room with Chanel who was too afraid to go upstairs or to be left alone downstairs.

“We went upstairs on the landing and in Aaron’s bedroom through the open door stood the Angel with its back facing us. Not ghostly or made of light but solid and fleshed as we are. From the back the beauty of him filled me, it filled us all, both Jasmine and Tanita’s face was filled with awe. It was about average in height in human terms. As Tanita had described him, his hair was golden blonde hanging to his shoulders. He was dressed in a white robe which went to his feet, which were bare. His wings were huge, coming from his shoulders up to his ear level and came down to his ankles. His wings were white. They seemed feathery in appearance. Around him shone a light which was a brilliant yellow.

“We watched him for no more than a few minutes while he stood still. He turned all of his body to face us. His face had a grey complexion. His skin had the appearance of leather, old and wrinkled and layered. His eyes had no pupils at all. They shone a fiery red glare at us. I froze and my hair felt as if it stood on end. Never have I felt such fear. His mouth was in the shape of a small grin, almost like our shock and fear amused him. The whole house vibrated with our screams. Nadia was only half way up the stairs so she did not see him. But in our fear, Jasmine and I ran so fast down the stairs that we caused her to topple. Before I had reached the bottom stair, I realised that Tanita was not behind us. Without thinking I ran back up the stairs screaming her name.

“On the landing, Tanita stood transfixed as if in a trance. The creature had moved closer to the stairs near a small pool table belonging to Leon. It was so close I could touch it. It was staring at Tanita with such hate and anger in its face, I thought it was going to harm her. ‘Tanita’ I shouted. She came out of her trance and ran into my mum’s bedroom which is directly opposite the top of the stairs and is filled with religious pictures and statues. The creatures eyes turned to gaze at me in a mocking way. Our upstairs landing is very tiny. I ran passed it into my mum’s room. Tanita was crying, curled in a corner. I grabbed her arm and we both ran past it again.

“We got to the bottom of the stairs. Ran into the living room and slammed the door shut. As we ran downstairs the creature began laughing. It was a laugh that echoed through the house.

“By this time Jasmine had told Nadia , Leon and Chanel everything. It is hard to know which was louder, our cries and screams for help or the bashing of the door and the laughter of the creature now outside the living room door. We were trapped. My youngest sister Chanel struggled to breathe. ‘My heart is coming out’ she screamed over and over again, her face flooding tears.

“We said all kinds of prayers that we could think of. In the living room my mum has a small prayer corner and a green folder filled with prayers. It seemed the harder we prayed the louder the creatures laugh got, although now its laugh seemed to sound more like screams or screeching.

Picture of the scene drawn by Tanita (8)

“We could now hear things being thrown about upstairs. Jasmine suggested that we climb out of the window, but the window was too high and the younger ones couldn’t make it with out injuring themselves.

“Finally my dad’s van pulled up. Some people had gathered outside hearing our screams. My dad heard them too. We watched from the window not being able to go to the front door. He jumped out of the van, grabbed Ethan and ran up our garden path. However as the van pulled up everything in the house had stopped. He came through the door. ‘Get us out of this house. Please get us out’ I heard myself stutter. We were all sobbing and grabbed his clothes and were pulling him towards the front door. Dad firmly told us to calm down. We told him what had happened which took us quite a while as we were in such a state it must have been hard for him to understand us properly, When he did, he took us through the house with Holy Water asking God to bless the house.

“I heard him tell my mum that he had gone to the shops before coming home and that he did not take us out of the house straight away because he thought hat we would never go back in it again. He took us to pick mum and Aaron up from Church. Then we went out to Torksey for the rest of the day.

“We did speak to a nun about what happened. She gave us lots of Holy Water and a prayer to say just in case it comes back again pretending to be an Angel of God. This is the prayer she gave us. ‘Precious Blood of Jesus cover me, In the name of God, If this is not of you, Be gone in Jesus’ name’.

“In the event, upstairs beds had been over turned and two pictures my mum gave me of Jesus were ripped up. They were on my wall before.

“My mum spoke to our Priest and he told my mum that he thought it was Satan himself that had come and not his demons. Father wanted to know what we were doing to have Satan come himself. My mum said that she told Father we were praying every day for many people. Father said to go to our Parish Priest and ask him to bless the house. The house was then blessed.

Angels caught on Cine Film.

This picture was taken from a reel of film. Danny Sulivan, an architect paid just £15.00 for a dusty canister of cine film in a small British junk shop. In the old trunk was a photograph of an Angel and a number of letters. The cine film itself, shows Angels forming a cruciform shape with their bodies in mid-air.

The letters had belonged to William Doidge, a first world war soldier. The letters dated 1951, reveal that William met an American second World War veteran who wrote to him saying that he had seen an Angel before an accident that killed some of his comrades while training for D- Day landings.

The G.I. who signed himself as "Doug" in a letter to Doidge, told how his unit had been training in Woodchester Park, in Gloucestershire in the spring of 1944. He described how a pontoon bridge a cross a lake collapsed under the weight of armoured vehicles killing more than twenty soldiers.

Doug wrote that in the eve of the disaster, he and a friend named Chuck had seen an Angel hover above where the men would later drown. He wrote: "The whole thing took on the shape of what I can only describe as an Angel. I could see what looked like a long white robe. It had no feet and there were shapes like wings behind its shoulders."

Chuck the friend who was with Doug when the Angel appeared, died on Omaha Beach. He took his version of the story with him. But Doug's letter was enough for Doidge to go camera in hand in search of the Angel. It appears by what he captured on cine film and photograph, that Doidge search was successful.

No one knows what happened to Doidge. But the letters he received and the cone film and photograph and other personal belongings came to rest in an old trunk in a junk shop in Monmouth England, until Danny Sulivan found it. Danny played the film. He said: "The cruciform shapes made by a number of Angels are quite clear in the film that Doidge shot".

Angel saves an American woman's life.

November 1998: Fifty-eight-year old Rose Benvenuto had a horrific car accident in New York. She swerved to miss a stray dog. "I was serving and the air-bag inflated. I cannot remember much else" Rose said.

By the wreck of the car, it is impossible to imagine that anyone could have survived, let a lone survive without a scratch. "It's a miracle I did survive" said Rose.

This photograph may explain what saved her life. It was taken by Sharon Boo, a photgrapher from the Pawling Fire Department. Sharon said: "I have taken hundreds and hundreds of photgraphs and I have never come across anything like this."

As a normal procedure, Sharon photographed the wrecked car from several different angles. But it was only in one photograph that the unexplainable figure appeared. "The photograph contains a figure. You can see through the figure ans still see the automobile" Sharon said.

Both Sharon and Rose believe that the image in the photograph is an Angel. One that saved Rose Benvenuto's life. Sharon said: "I feel she had an Angel looking over her shoulder".

But is the image simply a photo trick or something Sharon created when she developed the film?

Sharon explained: "I do not develop my own photographs. I take them to a one hour developing photograph company. That way they can be developed right away".

The photograph has been looked at by three experts. There is no trace of any deception. The Angel does appear on the negative of the film. Surely too difficult to fake.

Rose Benvenuto said: "If someone did say that this is a hoax I would have to disagree with them. I am here and I survived that accident without injury. To top this there is the proof in the photograph as well."

Large red Angel appears over Priest at Eucharist convention.

This is one of four photographs taken by Victoria Noel, at a Eucharistic Congress held in the State of West Virgina in America. The photographs were taken just prior to the Mass on the Sunday of the weekend Congress in 2003.

Victoria said: "Even the eyes are visible and the hands seem to be prayerful. The wings are unfolded on eitherside."

Man watches as Angels surround his grand-daughter.

Little Rhiannon Rebecca Schneider was born March 19, 2004. She was born with 'the genetic abnormality (S.M.A.), a condition that prevents a baby from breathing on their own. At ten days old the doctors removed her respirator. There was nothing more they could do for her.

Alice Schneider, Rhiannon's grandmother, prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for her in the hope of a healing, an hour before the equipment was removed. The little princess was not cured, but after Alice prayed, her husband John saw groups of Angels around his grandaughter.

Alice said: "God gave us a miracle at the moment of her death. My husband saw a vision of groups of Angels in a circle. Each group comprised of hundreds of Angels who were like blue spheres with a shining white light in the center of the sphere. And in the middle of this band of Angels John saw the arm of God reach down to Rhiannon and through her body. The Hand then closed as it went through her chest. It then withdrew, went upwards again and the Angels disappeared.

"Our precious Rhiannon Rebecca Schneider is our own family saint in Heaven" she said.

Little Rhiannon with her parents Wade and Megan taken just before her grandfather saw Angels and the Hand of God take her soul to Heaven.

"Gentle warning saved my baby".

Susie Moss (50) is a health care assistant from Hove, East Sussex in England. A voice of an Angel woke her warning that her baby was in danger.

"When my daughter Becky, was about 10 months old, she would always end up in our bed. One day she woke early, so my husband Nigel put her in beside me. We went back to sleep and he left for work. But he had been in such a rush, he'd left the front door of our ground floor flat ajar."

Some how, Becky got out of bed and into the garden. She could not crawl and was shuffling on her bottom - heading straight for a busy main road.

"I was woken" Susie said, "by a gentle voice saying: 'Your baby is going down the garden path'. It was loud enough to make me think someone was standing nearby. I shot outside and saw her just yards from the road. It is terrifying to think what would have happened to her if the voice had not woken me. At first I thought it must have been a passer by shouting through the window, but, who would have walked off and left a little baby near a road? Also, the street was deserted. I think it was an Angel's intervention, because it simply wasn't Becky's time.

"Angels helped my patient walk".

Chrissie Astell (49) is a writer who lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

"I used to work in a nursing home, caring for the elderly and the dying. A couple of years ago (2002) I was massaging the legs of a terminally ill pensioner, who suffered from terrible arthritis. I asked if she would join me in calling for Angelic help and she agreed. I had the most amazing experience of electric currents running down my arms, and she felt the energy too. I also felt a pressure on my shoulders.

"When I opened my eyes, the lady told me she had seen two big Angels behind me, touching my shoulders. She was in her late eighty's and usually wheel chair bound, but that day she managed to walk to the room with only a frame. She looked so serene.

"The first time I saw an Angel I was sitting in my flat, calling out to see one. Suddenly I had a vision of a huge Angel hovering outside my window. He had two pair of wings, one huge set reaching upwards and smaller ones tucked behind his back. That is how I know it was not my imagination, because I never imagined wings like that. He was incredibly white, with a face of pure light, and was reaching out towards me.


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